BizCalories CleanRows

A powerful tool designed to streamline and automate time-consuming tasks within Microsoft Excel. With its intuitive interface and advanced features, it empowers users to efficiently handle complex data operations, saving valuable time and effort.

CleanRows Features

Reconciliation Automation

Now you don't need to spend hours completing your reconciliation task. Instead, you can complete it in a few minutes with just a few clicks.

Auto Generate Emails

This Excel add-in provides an automated email generation feature, leveraging the data and user-defined conditions within your Excel workbook, to seamlessly create personalized emails.

Data Cleanup Automation

This professional Excel add-in offers a range of powerful automation functions, empowering users to effortlessly streamline data cleanup tasks such as eliminating duplicates, calculating totals, and consolidating data across multiple sheets.

Placeholder Image

This Excel add-in that empowers you to seamlessly combine data from multiple Excel sheets. With its intuitive interface and powerful features, DataMerge simplifies the process of merging data.

How it Works

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